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Company Profile

About Us

MicroEngine was established in December 2000. The company formed a mission in providing total computerized solution and superior services for the Security Access Control Industry needs to enhance corporate image. Also, we are focus on improving and enhancing the automatic time attendance system control by finding an innovative way in providing integrated attendance system. Therefore, we pledged to provide industrial application systems with the highest quality and most technologically advanced yet most cost effective solution.

Our Vision

To be the top security system provider.


We believe in highest standard of quality management system. We are ISO 9001 certified since 2004.

Our Service & Support

We are fully committed in providing a total computerised solution and superior services as well as technological enhancement for all our range of security access control system products and time attendance management system through innovation provision of integrated system.

Our Commitment

We provide only the highest quality of security control system products and the attendance management system and aggressively source for ways to constantly add more value to our service. We are completely decided in delivering the highest level of customer service and system support at all times.

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