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Basic setup after new software installation
Author: Microengine Views: 30200 Created: 10-06-2015 01:18 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

After new software installation, you are required to configure several setup from the Server in order to access your door access controller correctly. The setup included are Connection Setup, Controller Setup and Door Setup. 

Applies To:

  • Software xPortal2005, xPortalNet
  • Applies to all controllers supported by the software

This section assumes the hardware installation of the controllers are completed.

  • Connection Setup – Defining and setting up connection method between system hardware and software.
  • Controller Setup –  Let the software knows how many controllers you have in the system and what are their addresses.
  • Door Setup – Let the software knows how many doors are there and they connected to which controller.

To add connection
This section will assists you to add connection. You need to let the software knows how it should communicate with each controller.

  1. Open the Connection Setup. (Server Admin » Connection Setup).
  2. At the top menu, click Add small.
  3. Add the connection.

  4. Fill up the fields. 
    Description of the fields.
    CodeA short name that describes the connection.
    DescriptionLonger description for the connection.
    Network TypeSpecify the connection method.
    Comm NoSpecify the Serial Comm Port number if Direct Serial Port was chosen.
    SpeedSet the rate, in bits per second(bps) , that you want data to be transmitted through the selected direct serial port.
    Remote Modem Phone NoThe remote phone line number that has assigned to the modem.
    Use IP Address?If LAN (Built-In) or LAN (MV25) was chosen, you need to set this setting to Yes, otherwise, set to No.
    Remote IP AddressIf LAN (Built-In) or LAN (MV25) was chosen, enter the assigned remote IP address for the LAN interface.
    Use EncryptionIf LAN (Built-In) or LAN (MV25) was chosen, you need to set this setting to Yes, otherwise, set to No.
    Remote Computer NameIf xPortal Site Server or xPortal Remote Gateway was chosen, you need to specify the remote computer name here.
    Remote Computer GatewayThis is the port number that the software will use to communicate with the controllers if LAN connection method is use. Currently it has defaulted to 6268.

  5. Click OK to confirm and save changes.

To add controller
This section will assists you to add controller. 
So now you need to let the software knows how many controllers you have in the system and what are their addresses so that the software will be able to communicate with all controllers.

  1. Open the Connection Setup. (Server Admin » System Device Setup » Controller).
  2. At the top menu, click Add small.
  3. Add the controller.

  4. Fill up the fields. 
    Description of the fields.
    CodeA short name that describes the controller. This name will appear in transaction files.
    DescriptionLonger description for the controller.
    Site CodeSelect a Site Code as where the controller is located.
    ConnectionSelect the connection method that is used to connect the controller from the PC.
    Unit NoController address number. This number must be an unique. You can set address from 00 to 15.
    Model NoController model name.
    Network TypeSpecify the network type for connecting the controller and software.
    Operation ModeDefines the controller operation mode. There are 7 modes to select.
  5. Click OK to confirm and save changes.

To add door
This section will assists you to add door. After you have key in the controller database, now you need to let the software knows how many doors are there and they are connected to which controller.

  1. Open the Door Setup. (Server Admin » System Device Setup » Door)
  2. At the top menu, click Add small.

  3. Fill up the fields. 
    Description of the fields.

    CodeA short name that describes the door. This name will appear in transaction files.
    DescriptionLonger description for the door.
    ControllerChoose the host controller connected to the door.
    Unit NoDoor address number. This address setting of the Reader Interface Unit.
    Model NoReader Interface model name.
    Reader TypeSpecify reader output format.
  4. Note

    You may also see the following article. Multi-Door controller Unit No configuration small
  5. The software will be reloaded after saving each setup.
  6. Click OK to confirm and save changes.
  7. The software will be reloaded after saving each setup.
  8. After completed all setup, observe the Device List
  9. At the controller list you should see the newly added controller. 
  10. The status of the controller must be "Up" upon completed setup above.
Custom Fields
  • Summary: This article contains steps for basic new connection, controller and door setup at the xPortal software.
  • Search Tags: connection setup, controller setup, door setup, new installation
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