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1 How do I change the XP-M1000x as Exit reader while XP-RDPRX as Entry reader?

This article contains steps to change the XP-M1000x as Exit reader while XP-RDPRX as Entry reader.

2 How to configure address setting for XP-SNET reader?

This article contains steps to configure the address setting for Plato readers / XP-MK800 (Reader Interface) on XP-SNET board.

3 How to configure Auto Lock Release TZ at XP-M1000x? (New Template)

This article contains steps to configure the address setting for Plato readers / XP-MK800 (Reader Interface) on XP-SNET board.

4 How to configure XP-MK800 Jumper Address Setting?

This article contains steps to configure XP-MK800 Jumper Address Setting.

5 Wiring connection diagram for XP-SNET

This article contains the wiring connection diagram for XP-SNET.