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How to configure XP-SNET for Door Access?
Author: Microengine Views: 12148 Created: 02-11-2015 11:33 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

This article contains the steps to configure Door Access setting using XP-SNET.

Applies To:

  • XP-SNET     
  • Software xPortalNet
 Resolution Summary

To configure the XP-SNET Door Access:

  1. Please configure the wiring connection on the board correctly.

  2. Please configure the xPortalNet Server Setup:
    1. Connection Setup
    2. Controller Setup
    3. Door Setup

  3. Please download Door Settings to the controller after finish the configuration.


    Please perform steps below:

    Wiring Connection

    1. Please set the Address for the controller. See How to configure address setting (Unit No) for Multi-Door Controller?

    2. Please set the Setting for the controller. DIP Switch 2 and 3 must be turned ON for Door Access + Alarm Monitoring mode.

    3. Reset the controller after changing the DIP Switch. Please press the Reset button from the controller board.

    4. Please connect all input to the controller board. (Optional)

      All sensor input point must be connected with resistor 3k3 in supervised input mode.
    5. Please connect all output to the output relay on the controller board. (Optional)

    xPortal Server Setup

    Connection Setup

    1. Login to xPortalNet Server.
    2. Open Connection Setup. Go to Server Admin › Connection Setup.
    3. Add one connection.

    4. Click OK to confirm and save settings.

    Controller Setup

    1. Open Controller Setup. Go to Server Admin › System Device Setup › Controller.
    2. Add controller Model No.
    3. Set the Unit No according to the small Address set on the controller.

    4. Click OK to confirm and save settings.

    Door Setup

    1. Open Door Setup. Go to Server Admin › System Device Setup › Door.
    2. Add door. Below is example to add 2 doors.
      1. Door 1: Unit No = 0

      2. Door 2: Unit No = 1

    Download Door Settings

    1. Login to xPortalNet Client.
    2. Open Send Door Settings. Go to Device Comm › Send Door Settings.
    3. Select controller name and click Send All Settings button.

    4. Noticed that there is "Door ???" appear from the transaction list. 
      1. This is because, just now only 2 doors is configured. 
      2. "Door ???" will not be appear if all doors is already configured.

    5. The controller and door status shall be "Up". 
    6. Please flash card at the reader to confirm changes have been saved correctly.
    7. Transaction with Valid Entry Access/ Valid Exit Access will be shown.
      1. The transaction appear is according to the reader setup (Either As Entry/ As Exit). 
      2. Please configure the reader correctly.

    8. If there is any connected Input/ Output, please configure the setup at the software as following:
      1. How to configure Output?
      2. How to configure Input?
      3. How to configure Instruction Control for Input to trigger Output?
    Custom Fields
    • Summary: This article contains the steps to configure Door when in Door Access + Alarm mode using XP-SNET controller.
    • Search Tags: configure door access, xp-snet, input output configuration, input, output, how to configure door access
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