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How to configure Door for attendance capturing?
Author: Microengine Views: 14389 Created: 26-10-2015 09:30 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

This article contains steps to configure door setup for attendance capturing at the xPortal software.

Applies To:

  • Software xPortal2005, xPortal2007, xPortalNet
 Resolution Summary
To configure Door Attendance Capturing, there are several steps to be done.

  1. Please check there is no "Door ???" transaction appear on the Latest Event List.
  2. Please select the Work Schedule from Staff Record.
  3. Please select Door Attendance Capturing Settings from Door Setup.
  4. Rebuild daily/ monthly attendance .

Please complete the following steps to configure attendance capturing.

Door Setup
In this section contains steps to verify the Door Setup is correct.

  1. Please check that there is no door event transactions with "Door???" appear in the transactions record.
  2. If there is transaction with "Door???", perform steps below:
    1. Please check the Door Unit No configured. The value must according to the Reader's small Unit No/ System Address.
    2. If the controller installed is Single-Door controller, please set the Door Unit No to 0.

Work Schedule
In this section contains steps to select Work Schedule from the Staff Records.

  1. Login to xPortal Client software.
  2. Open Staff Records. Go to Data Setup › Access Data Setting › Staff Records.
  3. Find Shift Code field. Select the correct Work Schedule for the staff. 

    Attendance will be captured according to the working hour on shift code selected.

Attendance Capturing Settings
In this section contains steps to select Attendance Capturing Settings from the Door Setup.

  1. Open Door Setup. Go to Data Setup › System Setting › Door.
  2. Find Is Attendance Capturing Door. Please select the settings accordingly.
    1. Modify to preferred "Yes" attendance capturing mode then save the settings.
    2. Please do not select "No. Don't include this door for attendance calculation". This setting will be not capture attendance.

    3. Is Attendance Capturing Door. 
      › Specifying whether this door is used for calculating attendance. There are 10 types of capturing way:

      The attendance will be captured based on Staff's Work Schedule which small Shift Code Selected.
  3. Click OK to confirm and save the changes.
  4. The following message will be shown. Click Close.

Rebuild daily/ monthly attendance 
In this section contains steps to rebuild attendance.

  1. Open Daily Attendance/ Monthly Attendance. 
    1. See small How to generate daily attendance report?
    2. See small How to generate monthly attendance report?
Custom Fields
  • Summary: This article contains steps to configure door setup for attendance capturing at the xPortal software.
  • Search Tags: configure, door setup, attendance, door for attendance capturing, work schedule, daily attendance, monthly attendance, is attendance capturing door
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